
Ghent University Doctoral Scholarships for Candidates from Developing Countries

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Ghent University, located in Belgium, offers PhD scholarships through its “Special Research Fund” (BOF) to talented students from developing countries. The program enables recipients to conduct half of their doctoral research at Ghent University and the other half at a partner university in a developing country. The scholarships aim to support research projects that contribute to development and foster international collaboration.

Host Institutions: The scholarship recipients will split their PhD research between Ghent University in Belgium and a partner university in a developing country.

Fields of Study: The PhD scholarships are available for various fields of study at Ghent University.

Eligibility: To apply for the scholarship, candidates must find a professor from Ghent University willing to act as their doctoral research supervisor (promoter) and support their application. Joint proposals are required from the candidate, the Ghent University promoter, and a supervisor from the partner university.

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Preference is given to research topics that have relevance for development. Applicants must be citizens of developing countries, and there should be a guarantee that they can work full-time on their research project for 24 months at the partner university in the developing country.

Scholarship Value and Duration: The scholarship covers a 24-month period at Ghent University. However, the research period of 24 months at the partner university in the developing country must be funded separately, either through a local PhD scholarship or salary.

Ghent University’s promoter receives a bench fee of €15,440 to cover part of the operational and travel costs for the student and both the Ghent University and the local promoter.

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Application Process: Applications for the PhD scholarships are currently closed. Applicants were required to submit their proposals using the provided application forms before 4th March 2019. Detailed information and application forms were available on the official scholarship website at


The Ghent University PhD scholarships offer an excellent opportunity for promising students from developing countries to pursue their doctoral research in collaboration with a prestigious institution. By supporting research projects relevant to development, the program aims to foster knowledge exchange and academic growth between Ghent University and partner universities in developing countries.

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