College Grants Available for College Juniors
College Grants Available for College Juniors
The majority of college-bound students are looking for ways to supplement their education budget. Without financial aid, it is nearly impossible to pay for a college education. Every year, federal and private loans help thousands of students finance their education, but the money must be repaid – and with interest.
Read also: National University of Singapore
Before considering any type of education loan, students should look into any grants for which they may be eligible. Grant money for college is never required to be repaid, and there are numerous grant programmes available to benefit every type of student and every course of study. Thousands of public and private organisations have grant money to give to students who are struggling to pay for college tuition.
Any successful grant search begins with a thorough understanding of oneself, one’s status as a student, and one’s academic interests. This will allow you to narrow your focus and eliminate grant programmes for which you are ineligible. Remember, there are need-based grants, merit-based grants and career specific grants, and the first step is understanding the type of programme you’re looking for. For example, if you are a Hispanic woman going to college to become an accountant, you will want to search for grant programmes that are dedicated to Latin-American female students enrolled in business and accounting studies.
The scope of the programmes covered by the following list of education grants is broad, but it is by no means exhaustive. Some of the 101 listings are for single grant programmes, while others are a link to a larger list of financial aid options. At the very least, these 101 Grants Opportunities will give you an idea of the wide range of programmes available to assist deserving students in obtaining the funds they require for college. It should also give you the confidence to keep looking until you find the grant programme that is right for you.
Federal Grants
Federal Grants
The Federal grant programmes of the United States Department of Education undoubtedly have the highest profile of any of the grants on this list. These grants are a good place to start for college-bound students looking for financial aid for their post-secondary education.
Students who demonstrate financial need may be eligible for the Federal Pell Grant. It is available to all college-bound students who complete and submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA.
Students who have already qualified for the Pell grant are eligible for the Academic Competitiveness Grant. Freshman students can receive a $750 grant, and qualifying sophomores can receive an additional award of up to $1300. Students majoring in a critical need area, such as math, science, technology, engineering, or foreign languages, are eligible for the ACG.
The National SMART Grant is an extension of the AC Grant and is available to undergraduates in their third and fourth years of study. Juniors and seniors pursuing studies in science, mathematics, engineering, and technology can apply for a $4000 annual grant.
Federal Study Abroad Scholarships
The Boren Awards for International Study provide financial assistance to undergraduate students who travel to study language and culture. The emphasis is on regions where understanding the local language and culture would benefit US national security. The funding comes from the National Security Education Program.
Undergraduate students are eligible for the Benjamin A. Gilman Award for study abroad. Students who have already received a Federal Pell Grant are eligible for the programme. The Gilman Award is an ongoing programme of the United States Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.
Grants from the State
Every state has its own college grant programme, which is usually only available to students who live in that state. While listing every education grant from every state in the union would be impossible in the space available here, the examples below will give students an idea of the types of programmes that may be available through their own state governments. Students planning to attend college are encouraged to visit their state’s higher education website for more information on any and all merit-based and need-based grant programmes that may be available.
The Central Alabama Community Foundation is a charitable organisation based in the state of Alabama. One of their primary goals is to provide financial aid to eligible college-bound students from Alabama’s disadvantaged counties.
The Arizona Private Post-Secondary Education Student Financial Assistance Grant provides financial assistance to Arizona residents who have attended a community college and wish to pursue a baccalaureate degree at a four-year college or university in the state. The maximum annual award is $2000.
The Colorado Department of Higher Education provides financial aid to qualified students through undergraduate and graduate education grants, work study programmes, and various tuition assistance initiatives. These programmes are available to resident students enrolled in a Colorado college or university.
The Kansas Board of Regents offers a variety of grants and scholarships to Kansas residents, including the Kansas Comprehensive Grant, the Kansas Nursing Service Scholarship, and the Kansas Teacher Service Scholarship. The amount of the award varies according to need and availability.
The Michigan Tuition Grant is available to eligible resident students in Michigan. Undergraduate students with financial need are eligible for the MTG. The awards are limited to the cost of tuition.
Through the College for All Texans initiative, Texas provides a wide range of financial aid programmes to resident college-bound students. The Texas Grant is the most prominent of the numerous grants and scholarships available. This need-based grant provides awards ranging from $4400 to $7400, depending on need, academic standing, and college type.
New York State Higher Education Services Corporation provides a variety of grants, scholarships, and loan forgiveness programmes. Among the most notable examples are the New York State Tuition Assistance Program, the New York State Educational Opportunity Program, and the New York State Math and Science Teaching Incentive Scholarship.
Delaware’s Department of Higher Education sponsors a number of scholarships and grants for residents students including the Scholarship Incentive Program and the Governor’s Education Grant for Unemployed Adults. Awards are based on need as well as merit, and are open to to all Delaware residents.
College/ University Grants
To attract a diverse student body to their campuses, most colleges and universities offer a variety of grants. Grants can be need-based or merit-based, and they are frequently tailored to a specific course of study or career goal.
The University of California, Santa Cruz, provides numerous financial aid programmes to California residents. The Blue + Gold Opportunity Plan provides students with an annual income of less than $80,000 with a full tuition grant.
Wichita State University’s Office of Financial Aid awards more than $100 million in grants, scholarships, and student loans each year.
Mount Marty College is a South Dakota Catholic college. The Mount Marty Grant, which is available to dependent students living on campus, is regularly offered by the school. For qualifying students, the annual award is $4000.
The Division of Jewish Studies at Arizona State University College of Liberal Arts & Sciences offers a variety of grants and scholarships. Undergraduate and graduate students pursuing a degree in Jewish Studies are welcome to apply.
Graceland University in Iowa offers numerous grants and scholarships to undergraduate students. The Founders Grant, Art Performance Grant, and Theatre Production Grant are among the programmes available.
The Alumni Dependent Grant is available at Pacific Lutheran University. Students whose parents attended PLU for at least one academic term are eligible for this $1000 award.
Purdue University sponsors the Span Plan, which is designed for adult learners who want to finish their college education. The grant covers the cost of a three-credit hour class as well as a book stipend.
The Janet Chiang Grant is administered by Duke University’s Asian Pacific Studies Institute. This award is available to students studying Asian-American relations. Students pursuing a course of study in Asian-American cultural or legal issues are given special consideration.
The Sumners Grant is available to students from Attala, Carroll, Choctaw, Montgomery, and Webster counties at the University of Mississippi. The award amounts range from $625 to $2500 per semester, depending on whether the student is enrolled full-time or part-time.
The Emerging Technologies Research Grant is sponsored by Virginia Commonwealth University for undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in VCU’s technology programmes.
Burlington College has its own grant programme to assist undergraduates in bridging the gap between their college fund and any unmet needs. The total award amount is $2000.
Course And Career Specific Grants
The 101 education grants listed below are dedicated to specific course studies or career paths. Universities, private and public endowments, and professional associations may sponsor them.
Studies in Africa
The TIAA-CREF Ruth Simms Hamilton Research Fellowship provides financial assistance to students conducting advanced research in African-American Studies. A number of universities and colleges, including UCLA, Drexel University, and the University of Iowa, offer the fellowship grant.
The American Floral Endowment provides horticultural students with scholarships, internships, and grants. The Pi Alpha Xi Honor Society administers the American Floral Grant on select college campuses.
The American Rhododendron Society provides comprehensive research grants to graduate students studying horticultural genetics, pest control, and fertilisation techniques.
The Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education Program funds a variety of education grants for graduate students studying sustainable organic farming techniques.
The Future Farmers of America Foundation provides scholarships and grants to students pursuing postsecondary education in farming and agricultural studies. Every year, more than $2 million in education grants and scholarships are awarded.
The American Anthropological Association offers a variety of education grants and fellowships to Anthropology students, including the AAA Minority Dissertation Fellowship Program. Minority student applicants from ethnic groups that have historically been underrepresented in science and research are eligible for the grant.
The Archaeological Institute of America awards six annual fellowships to graduate students for travel and study in preparation for their dissertations. Fellowships are only available to AIA student members.
The Carole Fielding Student Grant is sponsored by the University Film and Video Association. Undergraduate and graduate students pursuing a degree in film and televisual arts can receive up to $1000 each year.
The Academy of Art University offers a Portfolio Grant to visual artists each year. Every year, 300 grants are given to undergraduate students. Applicants must submit a sample portfolio, and eligibility is based on academic achievement as well as artistic achievement.
The Arch and Bruce Brown Foundation awards student playwrights grants on an annual basis. Submissions must be positive representations of gay and lesbian lifestyles and must centre on a historical event or person. The prizes are worth $1000 each.
The Federal Government administers the Jacob K. Javits Fellowships Program. Graduate students in a variety of fields, including fine art, creative writing, music, and theatre arts, are eligible for grants. The amount of the award varies depending on the available funding.
The Caroline and Erwin Swann Foundation for Caricature and Cartoon provides a $15,000 annual grant to post-graduate students pursuing a doctorate in art and working on a dissertation or thesis on cartooning history and techniques.
The Stella Blum Student Research Grant is sponsored by the Costume Society of America. This $2000 annual grant is given to undergraduate and graduate students who are conducting research on North American costumes. The award is only available to CSA student members.
The Handweavers Guild of America provides an annual Convergence Grant to students studying weaving and fibre arts. The grant is part of a work study programme in which the student receives on-the-job training as an assistant to a resident professor or instructor.
Sports and Recreation
The National Strength and Conditioning Association offers numerous grants and scholarships. Graduate students pursuing research in nutrition, exercise, and body maintenance are welcome to apply. Master’s students receive $5000, while Doctoral students receive $10,000.
USTA Serves, the National Charitable Foundation of the United States Tennis Association, offers scholarship and grant opportunities to tennis players from low-income families.Programs include the annual Okechi Womeodu Scholar Athlete Grant.
For student members, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants offers a variety of grants, scholarships, and fellowships. The prizes range from $2500 to $5000.
The Military Order of the Purple Heart Service Foundation provides scholarships and grants to dependent students of Purple Heart recipients. Award amounts vary, and applicants must be enrolled in business studies at a university or college that is accredited.
State Farm Insurance offers several grant and scholarship programmes to college-bound dependents of active and retired employees. Applicants must be enrolled in business studies at an accredited university or college. The awards range from $2500 to $8000.
College Grants Available for College Juniors
The Computing Education for the Twenty-First Century Grant is funded by the National Science Foundation. The annual award is intended for undergraduate and graduate students interested in a career in computer technology. Each year, 30 grants are given out.
The IEEE Computational Society Summer Research Grant for graduate students is one of several grant and scholarship programmes offered by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. This grant supports deserving student scholars’ research in the fields of neural networking and evolutionary computation. The prise money ranges from $1000 to $4000.
- The American Hotel and Lodging Educational Foundation sponsors a number of grant and scholarship programs for students enrolled in a hospitality management program at a partnering college, university or technical school. The AH & LEF awards as much as $390,000 in grants and scholarships annually.
- The Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard University offers fellowships grants for working journalists who are returning to college to expand their education in various journalistic fields. Programs include the Reynolds Fellowship in Community Journalism and the Arts & Culture Reporting Fellowship. Award amounts vary depending of course of study.
- The Council for the Advancement of Science Writing supports a variety of grants and fellowships for journalism students pursuing a career in science and technology reporting. Fellowships for graduate students are awarded annually in the amount of $5000.
- Woods Hole Oceanographic Institutionis dedicated to the preservation of the world’s oceans. The WHOI offers the annual Ocean Science Journalism Fellowship for graduate students pursuing research in oceanographic and ocean engineering-related journalism.
- Ohio University administers the Kiplinger Program in Public Affairs Journalism Fellowship. This program is aimed at working journalists who are returning to college to pursue further studies in Public Affairs Reporting. Emphasis is on journalism in the age of digital media.
- The American Statistical Association administers the Gertrude M. Cox Grant for Women. The purpose of the grant is to encourage women to enter the historically male dominated field of statistics. The grant is open to women pursuing their mathematical studies at the graduate level.
- Alpha Mu Theta, the National High School and Two Year College Honor Society, sponsors merit-based grants and scholarships for low-income students. Eligible students must be able to demonstrate a strong proficiency in mathematics.
- The American Mathematical Society administers the Waldemar J Trijitzinsky Memorial Award. The award is available to undergraduate and graduate students who a majoring in mathematics at an AMS member university. The amount of the annual award is $3000.
- The National Science Foundation offers the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship to select students who are pursuing a graduate degree in mathematics. Graduate level mathematics majors are eligible for three years of financial support, up to a total of $30,000.
- The Broadcast Education Association provides an annual full term grant for students enrolled in broadcast media studies at a partnering college or university. The award is available to undergraduate and graduate students with an impressive academic record, and a history of community leadership.
- Pomona College administers the Stonehill Media Studies Research Grant. This grant is open to undergraduate students of Pomona College who are engaged in a media related research projects. Award amounts range from $500 to $3500.
- The American Advertising Federation of Cleveland sponsors annual grants and scholarships through their dedicated Education Foundation . Awards are open to all eligible Ohio college students pursuing a degree in advertising, marketing and communications. Awards are decided on the basis of merit, as well as financial need.
- The University of Hawaii at Manoa administers the Orvis Vocal Student Grant. The award is available to undergraduate and graduate students studying voice at UHM. A minimum GPA of 3.0 is required, and applicants will be required to audition for the music department’s review board.
- Edgewood College offers the Fine Arts Award for freshman music students. Awards are available for students pursuing their studies in all orchestral instruments, as well as piano, voice and guitar. Applicants must submit audition tapes to be considered. The annual award amount is $2000, and is renewable up to four years.
- The American Brahms Society administers the annual Karl Geiringer Award for music majors working on a doctoral dissertation that relates to the music of Brahms. Awards range from $1000 to $2500. Students are required to submit an outline for the research project in order to be considered for the award.
- The Frank Huntington Beebe Fund for Musicians sponsors an annual fellowship grant for graduate music students. Emphasis is on composing and performing classical music. Applicants must be prepared to present a solid history of advanced musical accomplishment to be considered for the fellowship.
- The W. Eugene Smith Memorial Fund awards annual grants to undergraduate and graduate students studying photography at an accredited college or art institute. The emphasis is on humanistic photography, and awards are decided by portfolio submission. Award amounts range from $5000 to $30,000.
- The North American Nature Photography Association administers the The Janie Moore Green Grant. The $1000 grant is open to eligible students enrolled in an accredited art school or college. Awards are decided according to academic merit. Applicant are required to submit a portfolio of their work.
- The International Center Of Photography offers a number of fellowships grants for students pursuing a career as a photographer. The emphasis is on students pursuing the study of photojournalism.
- The American Baptist Home Mission Societies offers grants and scholarships for both undergraduate and graduate students. Applicants must be an active member of an American Baptist church, and be enrolled at an affiliated Baptist Seminary. Grant awards range from $500 to $3000.
- The Geologic Society of America offers the GSA/ExxonMobil Awards for both undergraduate and graduate students. Awards range from $2000 to $10,000, and are designed to financially support students engaged in summer term field research.
- The American Association of Petroleum Geologists Foundation supports a number of grants including the Gustavus E. Archie Memorial Grant . The Archie Memorial grant is dedicated to providing financial support to graduate students completing their education in geology and applied petrophysics. The grant is administered through the University of Wisconsin.
- The Western Society of Malacolgists sponsors an annual Student Research Grant for graduate students engaged in marine biology research at an accredited university or college. The grant is specific to students who are specializing in the study of mollusks.
- The Evolving Earth Foundation is dedicated to the research and better understanding of the history of the Earth and its environmental future. The EEF sponsors a Student Grant Program for students pursuing their studies in earth sciences at the graduate level.
College Grants Available for College Juniors
Student Types
Higher education grants are frequently available to historically underrepresented groups such as African-Americans, Native Americans, Asian-Americans, and Hispanics. These grant programmes are supported by a variety of public and private sources. Many grant programmes are aimed at increasing diversity in traditionally white male-dominated fields such as science and business.
- The American Anthropological Association sponsors a large number of education grants, including the Minority Dissertation Fellowship Program. The program is open to students from historically underrepresented minority groups who are pursuing their doctoral degree in Anthropology.
- The American Association of Advertising Agencies supports a large number of grants and scholarships. Of particular interest to minority students is the Multicultural Advertising Intern Program which offers a paid 10 week internship to undergraduate and graduate level students pursuing a degree in advertising.
- The Hyatt Hotels Fund for Minority Lodging Management Students provides financial aid to minority students enrolled in a hospitality management course at an accredited college or vocational school. The program is open to African-American, Hispanic, Native-American and Asian-American students.The annual award is $2000.
- The Asian American Journalists Association is dedicated to the advancement of Asian-Americans in both broadcast, print and digital media journalism. The AAJA sponsors both the Internship Grant for Broadcasting and the Chicago Tribune Print and New Media Internship Grant. Awards amounts range from $1500 to $2000.
- The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants sponsors a variety of grants and scholarships for minority students pursuing a career in accounting. The AICPA Minority Doctoral Fellowship awards $12,000 to minority students completing their doctoral program in accounting. The fellowship is open to African-American, Native-American and Hispanic students.
- The American Society of Criminology offers it’s annual Graduate Fellowship for Ethnic Minorities. The program is designed to encourage students of color to pursue a career in criminology. Applicants are eligible for an annual award of $6000.
When it comes to entering the professional workforce, women still face numerous challenges. While progress is being made, women continue to be underrepresented in a number of critical fields such as science, medicine, and business. Many lucrative grant opportunities are made available for female college students in an effort to correct this imbalance. Women
When it comes to entering the professional workforce, women still face numerous challenges. While progress is being made, women continue to be underrepresented in a number of critical fields such as science, medicine, and business. Many lucrative grant opportunities are made available for female college students in an effort to correct this imbalance.
- The Margaret McNamara Memorial Fund, supported by the World Bank Group, offers an annual grant of $12,000 to female students from developing countries who are studying in the Unites States. Eligible recipients must be planning to return to their home country to use their degrees for the betterment of their homeland.
- The American Association of University Women supports a number of Selected Profession Fellowships designed to encourage women to return to college to expand their career opportunities. Grants are available for women pursuing careers in law, engineering, medicine and computer science.
- The International Federation of University Women sponsors fellowships and grants for graduate students who wish to study abroad as they complete their doctoral research. Applicants must be student members of the IFUW to be considered for any award. Award amounts vary depending on course of study, and travel costs.
- The Jeanette Ranking Foundation awards need-based education grants to women 35 and older. The foundation’s purpose is to give women the educational power they need to break the cycle of poverty.
- Zonta International is dedicated to advancing the status of women worldwide. Zonta sponsors the annual Amelia Earhart Fellowship, which provides a grant of $10,000 to women pursuing their PhD in Aerospace studies.
Grants for students with disabilities are available from a variety of sources and address a wide range of needs. Some grant programmes are intended to assist disabled students in finding their place on a traditional college campus, while others may provide financial assistance to students attending a special needs school. Most grants for disabled students are tailored to the applicant’s specific needs, though some may be applied to all disabled students.
- The Chair Scholars Foundation provides grant and scholarship opportunities to students with physical disabilities. The foundation is dedicated to helping low-income students with physical disabilities afford college or vocational training.
- The Jewish Guild for the Blind is one of the longest established advocacy groups for the visually impaired. JGB sponsors the annual Guild Scholar Award for college-bound students who are legally blind. Applicants are eligible for up to $15,000 in award money.
- The Ethel Louise Armstrong Foundation offers an annual scholarship for women with disabilities. Applicants must be currently enrolled in a Masters degree program at an accredited college or university. Award amounts range from $500 to $2000.
Non-traditional students include those people who are returning to college after a prolonged absence, or those students returning for specific training for career advancement. Often women returning to college after raising a family, or single parents pursuing career advancement through education will fall into this category. Non-traditional students may also refer to those students who are changing from a technical school to a four year college or university.
- Soroptimist International of the Americas funds the Women’s Opportunity Awards, which provide financial aid for women who wish to return to college. Applicants must be the primary financial support for their household, and must be returning to school to improve their career skills.
- Executive Women International sponsors the Adult Students in Scholastic Transition Award. ASIST is available to adult students who are facing economic and social challenges, and who want to improve their situation through higher education. The annual award is $2500.
- P.E.O. International is dedicated to providing educational opportunities to women. P.E.O. supports a number of grants for women returning to college after a prolonged absence. Emphasis is on career training and advancement in traditionally male dominated fields.
- Denny’s Single Parent Scholarship Fund provides need-based grants for single parents of Hispanic background who are returning to college to advance their education. Award amounts range from $500 to $1500.
Students With Severe Medical Conditions/Diseases
All college-bound students face enormous challenges when it comes to financing their education. Students who are fighting, or have survived, a serious disease face an additional emotional challenge as they plan for their college education. Many charitable organizations provide much needed financial support for students with severe medical conditions, helping them achieve their dreams of a higher education.
- The Diabetes Scholars Foundation provides grants and scholarships for college students with Type 1 Diabetes. Awards are decided on a combination of academic merit, community service and financial need.
- The Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network offers an annual $1500 award for students with severe allergies. Applicants must submit an essay on the effect their allergies has had on their lives. This program has been discontinued.
- The Susan G. Komen Foundation is one of the best known advocates for the treatment and prevention of breast cancer. The foundation sponsors both grants and scholarships for students who have lost a parent to breast cancer. Awards of up to $10,000 are available, and are decided on a combination of scholastic achievement, community service and financial need.
- The Cancer Survivors Fund provides an abundance of financial aid for survivors of cancer, including scholarships and grants to help offset the cost of a college education.
Unique Grant Programs
The search for college grants can lead to some very unique financial aid opportunities. College-bound students looking for education grants will soon find there are programs to address almost any interest. The following grants are examples of the diverse types of financial aid programs that are available to the enterprising student searching for a way to offset the cost of their higher education. These examples also prove that focusing on your interests can lead you to financial aid opportunities which could otherwise go overlooked.
- The Harry S. Truman Library Institute Research Grants Program offers a number of fellowships and scholar awards for graduate students working on research relating to former President Harry Truman. Award amounts vary depending on the program, anywhere from $2500 to $16,000.
- The American Association of Cereal Chemists International sponsors a number of annual fellowship grants for graduate students pursuing research into cereal and grain-based food science. Awards range from $2000 to $3000. Applicants must be student members of the AACC to be considered for the award.
- The Massage Therapy Foundation provides grants to students and individuals conducting research in the field of massage therapy. Award amounts are decided by review board, and applicants must submit an outline of their research project for consideration.
- Team America Rocket Challenge annually rewards ten high school teams for their excellence in model rocket design. Annual awards include $60,000 in cash and scholarships to be shared amongst the ten finalists.
- The National Make It With Wool Contest is open to college students aged 17 – 24. The competition involves the design, manufacture and modeling of an original woolen garment. First prize at the national level is a $1000 education grant.
- The American Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (A.S.P.E.N.) sponsors the Rhoads Research Foundation Grants. These grants are open to graduate students and post-graduate professionals conducting research into clinical nutrition. Award amounts range from $16,000 to $25,000.
- The Jewish Vocational Services of Chicago offers grant opportunities to Jewish college students who are residents of Cook County and the Chicago Metropolitan area. Preference is given to those students who are pursuing careers in community service.
- The Council on International Education Exchange supports the John Bowman Travel Grant for students who are studying abroad. Emphasis is on non-traditional regions including Africa, Asia and Latin America. All awards are $1000.
- Huntingdon College supports a number of grants for both undergraduate and graduate students. These programs include the Scarlet and Grey Grant for members of the college’s marching band and dance team, and the Cross and Flame Grant for active members of the Methodist church. Award amounts range from $4000 to $10,000.
- The Endangered Language Fund supports grants for graduate and post-doctoral students who are studying ancient languages. Special emphasis is given to the preservation of Native-American languages.

For more information on college grants, and how to find them, see our section on Education Grant Benefits and Opportunities.