
SAMRC Scholarship Programme 2023

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The South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC) is offering a prestigious scholarship opportunity for Masters and PhD degrees in the field of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) courses. This program aims to train and develop scientists from historically underrepresented groups, such as African Black, Indian, Coloured, and Asian individuals.

The scholarship is fully funded, covering tuition fees and providing a stipend to support the scholars throughout their studies. In this blog post, we will delve into the details of the SAMRC Scholarship Programme and its eligibility criteria, as well as the benefits it offers to the recipients.

Eligibility Criteria:

To be eligible for the SAMRC Scholarship Programme, applicants must meet the following requirements:

  1. South African Citizenship or Permanent Residency: Applicants should be either South African citizens or permanent residents.
  2. Underrepresented Groups in STEM: The scholarship targets individuals belonging to historically marginalized groups in STEM fields, including Asian, Black, Coloured, and Indian communities.
  3. Full-time PhD Students: Candidates must be registered as full-time PhD students at a recognized South African University.
  4. Approved PhD Research Project: Applicants must have their research projects approved and, where applicable, obtain ethics approval for their PhD research.
  5. Alignment with SAMRC’s Priorities: The research project proposed by the applicant should align with the priorities set by the South African Medical Research Council.
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Purpose of the Programme:

The primary objectives of the SAMRC Scholarship Programme are twofold:

  1. Promoting Diversity and Inclusion: The program aims to contribute to SAMRC’s transformation agenda by increasing the representation of quality postgraduate scientists from underrepresented groups. Special emphasis is given to encouraging participation by Black females.
  2. Supporting Historically Disadvantaged Institutions: Another goal of the program is to boost the number of Ph.D. candidates from Historically Disadvantaged Institutions (HDIs), helping to level the playing field and empower scholars from these institutions.

Scholarship Benefits:

Recipients of the SAMRC Scholarship Programme will receive substantial support to pursue their academic dreams:

  1. PhD Students: Ph.D. scholars will receive a stipend of R180,000.00 per year, in addition to the coverage of their tuition fees, which amount to R20,000.00 annually.
  2. Master’s Students: For Master’s students, the funding is provided for the second year of their studies. They will receive a stipend of R140,000.00 along with the tuition fees of R20,000.00 for the academic year.
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The SAMRC Scholarship Programme 2023 presents an incredible opportunity for South African citizens or permanent residents, especially those belonging to historically underrepresented groups in STEM. By providing full funding for tuition fees and offering generous stipends, this program is committed to fostering diversity, inclusion, and academic excellence in the fields of science and research.

If you meet the eligibility criteria and wish to contribute to the SAMRC’s transformation agenda while pursuing your academic aspirations, don’t miss the chance to apply for this prestigious scholarship. Remember to check the application deadline and start preparing your application for this exciting opportunity. Good luck on your academic journey!

ALSO READ:  Engineering the Future Scholarships at University of Manchester 2023
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