
Rupert and Babette Evans MA Bursary at University of Leicester 2023

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Are you passionate about History and looking to pursue a Master’s degree? The University of Leicester is offering the Rupert and Babette Evans MA Bursary, which could be the perfect opportunity for you! This scholarship is open to students from all nationalities and provides Partial Funding of £4,000.

Eligibility Criteria:

To be eligible for this bursary, you need to meet the following requirements:

  1. Hold a first-class degree in History or a related discipline.
  2. Be applying for a full-time or part-time Master’s program in the University’s School of History, starting from October 2023.
  3. The eligible Master’s programs include MA History and MRes History (Masters by Research).
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Selection Criteria:

The University will select deserving candidates based on the following criteria:

  1. The quality of the student, including their academic performance, potential for future success, and relevant skills and experience.
  2. How well the chosen program aligns with the candidate’s existing knowledge and skills.
  3. The coherence and feasibility of the dissertation proposal, and whether the department can provide suitable supervision.
  4. The candidate’s case for how pursuing a Master’s degree will support their future research at the doctoral level.
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Scholarship Value:

Thanks to the generosity of the Evans Bequest, named in honor of renowned Leicester historians, Rupert and Babette Evans, the scholarship offers a maintenance bursary of £4,000.

Don’t miss this fantastic opportunity to further your education and passion for History with the help of the Rupert and Babette Evans MA Bursary! Remember that the deadline to apply varies, so make sure to check the University of Leicester’s official website for the most up-to-date information and to submit your application on time.

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