Tongue Sucking Best Solutions | In children and Adults
Tongue Sucking Best Solutions | In children and Adults
Introduction on How to Stop Sucking Your Tongue
Tongue sucking is a habit that causes you to appear to be sucking on a hard candy or lozenge.
While tongue sucking is a less common habit than thumb or finger sucking, it can cause pain, discomfort, and make a person feel self-conscious. The condition affects both children and adults.
There are at-home and medical interventions that can help if you or a loved one has a tongue-sucking habit. Continue reading to learn more about how to break your tongue-sucking habit.
Possible causes
A number of factors can contribute to tongue sucking. It could be a childhood habit, or it could be the result of a medical condition or medication.
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- Among children
Non-nutritive sucking, or sucking without a bottle or for nutrition, provides relaxation from an early age.
A research review from 2014
According to a reliable source, until the age of four, children may suck a pacifier or their finger for comfort, particularly before taking a nap or going to bed.
Sucking as a non-nutritive habit is frequently associated with other comforting habits, such as holding a:
stuffed animal blanket doll
Some children may not “grow out of” tongue sucking after the expected age. This could be due to a physical health condition or the need for ongoing security and anxiety relief.
Tongue sucking can occur in conjunction with other medical conditions. A tongue thrust, also known as a reverse swallow, is an example.
Because of this condition, a person’s tongue may rest against the upper or lower teeth rather than behind them.
- In adulthood
Tongue sucking in adults may be an adaptive behaviour to relieve anxiety or a side effect of medications or medical conditions. Tardive dyskinesia is one such condition.
This happens when a person has involuntary movements as a result of an excess of the neurotransmitter dopamine.
- Symptoms could include:
grimaced face
arm or leg jerking movements sticking out the tongue sucking movements of the mouth, which may include tongue sucking
Metoclopramide, for example, can cause tardive dyskinesia in some people (Reglan).
Prochlorperazine (Compazine) and antipsychotic neuroleptic medications used to treat schizophrenia may also cause tardive dyskinesia symptoms.
Certain medical conditions can cause symptoms that are similar to tardive dyskinesia. These are some examples:
dystonia in cerebral palsy
The disease Huntington’s
Tourette disorder
If you develop tongue sucking as an adult and find it difficult to control, consult your doctor about any underlying conditions or medications that may be causing this.
- Stopping Methods
There are a few methods you can try on your own to stop tongue sucking, but if those fail, you can seek professional help.
- By yourself
If it’s a habit rather than a medical condition, you can try methods at home to stop sucking your tongue. These are some examples:
Use other methods to break your tongue sucking habit. Chewing gum is one example.
Setting reminders to interrupt your thoughts and assist you in identifying if you are sucking your tongue. A timer set to go off every 15 to 30 minutes or an app set to remind you are two examples.
With the assistance of a professional
If none of these work, your doctor may be able to help you stop tongue sucking:
Making a removable plate can both serve as a reminder to stop tongue sucking and make tongue sucking more difficult. This method is referred to as “reminder” therapy.
Speaking with a therapist or mental health professional can help you identify the underlying causes of your tongue sucking. This could be used to alleviate anxiety. A therapist may be able to help you identify other ways to relieve anxiety and stress that will allow you to stop tongue-sucking.
Consultation with a speech-language pathologist may be beneficial, especially if the person’s speech or eating is affected by tongue sucking. A speech-language pathologist can suggest exercises and tools to help reduce tongue sucking over time.
You may need to try several approaches over time at times. Tongue sucking is a habit, so it takes time to form and time to break.
Why Tongue sucking is important to Stop
Tongue sucking can have a number of negative consequences. These could include:
hyperplasia, or enlargement, of your tongue lesions or injuries to your tongue malocclusions, or improper positioning of your teeth pain from excessive and prolonged sucking
A 2015 research reviewTrusted Source discovered that tongue sucking has emotional consequences. You may be self-conscious about your tongue sucking because it is often an unnoticed habit.
The extent to which these affect you may be determined by:
how long you’ve been sucking your tongue
how many hours a day do you work?
the zeal with which you perform it
When to Consult a Doctor
If you have tried to stop tongue-sucking at home and have been unable to do so, you should consult a doctor. Your doctor can assist you in determining methods that may assist you in quitting.
Assessments with a dentist or other related professionals may be required to determine what is affecting your teeth or jaw positioning.
If you are concerned about your child’s tongue sucking, consult with his or her paediatrician.
Your child’s paediatrician can talk with you about developmental milestones and whether tongue sucking or other forms of non-nutritive sucking are appropriate for your child’s age.
A paediatrician may recommend medical specialists or other interventions to assist your child in breaking the habit of tongue-sucking.
In conclusion
Tongue sucking can affect people of all ages and for a variety of reasons. If mindfulness works for you, you can also try it to practise quitting on your own.
If you need help stopping a tongue-sucking habit, you should seek medical attention. Addressing the issue may aid in your:
Tongue thrusting is the habit of placing the tongue in an incorrect position during swallowing, such as too far forwards or to the sides. Tongue thrusting is an infantile swallowing pattern that children exhibit from birth, making it acceptable to have this swallowing pattern up to the age of four. While most children outgrow the infantile swallowing pattern, some children, for a variety of reasons, continue to place their tongue too far forwards or to the sides.
Tongue thrusting can be caused by a variety of factors, including:
Thumb or finger sucking for an extended period of time
Mouth breathing causes the tongue’s posture in the mouth to be very low. People who breathe through their mouths frequently have chronic nasal congestion, allergies, or physical obstructions that cause this behaviour.
Swallowing problems caused by enlarged adenoids, tonsillitis, or frequent sore throats
Artificial nipples are sometimes used to feed infants.
Factors inherited
Neurological issues
Abnormalities in physiology
A long tongue
The continuous pressure exerted by thrusting the tongue can cause the teeth to become misaligned. When teeth are not properly aligned, it can have a negative impact on the bite and jaw. Most tongue thrusters have an open bite, which means their upper and lower front teeth do not come together or meet as they should.
Dr. Peralta will fit the patient with a special fixed appliance to treat tongue thrusting. This device is known as a tongue crib, and it aids in the re-establishment of a more proper biting pattern by breaking the habit of tongue thrusting. This appliance works very well and is semi-permanently installed. Braces can also be used to correct tooth alignment. If the tongue thrusting has interfered with your speech, you should see a speech therapist.