Daily Hassles that may induce Stress

Daily Hassles that may induce Stress

Daily Hassles that may induce Stress


WE BECOME STRESSED FOR A VARIETY OF REASONS, and there is widespread agreement that major events in our lives contribute to this. However, many of us experience the effects of stress on a daily basis, so something must be causing this. In this sharepost, I look at a couple of approaches to identifying and measuring the things that stress us out.

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Holmes and Rahe developed one of the most influential approaches to stress measurement in 1967. Their approach was to consider a series of life events that most people must adjust psychologically to. The Social Readjustment Rating Scale that resulted provided a list of life events against which a point value was assigned based on the perceived level of stress. For example, the death of a spouse received 100 points, whereas the effects of a vacation, such as Christmas, received 12 points.

This and subsequent scales continue to be popular, but they are not without flaws. Many of the higher scores, for example, involve events and situations that most average people are unlikely to encounter on a regular basis. Death of a spouse (100 points), divorce (73 points), marital separation (65 points), jail term (63 points), and death of a close family member are the top five stressful situations on the 1967 Holmes and Rahe scale (63 points). Leaving aside the comparatively low likelihood of such encounters, the uniformity of the score suggests that everyone responds in exactly the same way to just one of these (the death of a spouse). We all know this isn’t the case.

Allen Kanner and colleagues investigated the variety of activities to which people are exposed and the stress they experience as a result of their desire to create something that reflected their day-to-day experiences. Kanner derived two scales from this. The hassles scale reflected everyday annoyances and frustrations, while the uplifts scale reflected things that make people feel better.

Following research has yielded a variety of profiles from various populations (e.g., adults, students) in various countries. Kanner et al. (1981) tested 100 middle-aged adults over a nine-month period in one survey.

The top six most common issues that arose were:

Weight-related concerns

A family member’s health.

Common goods prices are rising.

Property upkeep.

There are too many things to do.

Misplacing or losing items

A later survey conducted in New Zealand by Chamberlain and Zika (1990) revealed a slightly different picture. Their findings revealed the top ten daily annoyances in order of priority:

Daily Hassles that may induce Stress Includes

  • There isn’t enough time.
  • There are too many things to do.
  • Thoughts about the future that are troubling.
  • There are too many interruptions.
  • Misplacing or losing items
  • A family member’s health.
  • Social responsibilities
  • Standards are causing concern.
  • Concerns about advancing.
  • There are too many responsibilities.

Is the Readjustment Rating Scale superior to the hassles scale? Both yes and no.

The hassles scale appears to be closer to the everyday stressors that most of us face. The drip-drip effect of stress is well understood and appears to be reflected in such a scale to some extent. However, the theoretical issues have not been resolved. Some argue that the items on the scale are still vague and arbitrary, and that they are more likely to assess neuroticism than stress. As a result, there are issues with properly interpreting the results of such a scale.

Although standardised scales are still used, recent trends indicate a shift away from them and towards structured interviews. Scales can help you form an initial impression, but proper interpretation necessitates a more in-depth examination with the person in question in order to see the world through their eyes.

What is an example of a day-to-day annoyance?

Concerns about weight, health of a family member, rising prices, home maintenance, too many things to do, misplacing or losing things, physical appearance, or all of the above are examples of daily annoyances.

Which of the following statements about daily annoyances is correct?

Which of the following statements about daily annoyances is correct? They are transient and do not accumulate over time. They necessitate a firm response from the individual. They are the major issues that people face on a daily basis.

How do you protect yourself from the stresses of everyday life?

8 (Easy) Ways to Lower Your Daily Stress
1 Refrain from turning on the TV or checking email first thing in the morning and before going to bed.
2 Instead of watching TV or reading the newspaper, read the Skimm for a great overview of the news.
3 Meditate for five minutes a day.

What does research say about daily annoyances?

The researchers discovered that the frequency and intensity of daily annoyances were significantly related to overall health status and bodily symptoms. They discovered no link between life events and health.

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